Nyrstar provides an update relating to the disclosure of additional information following the Shareholders’ Meeting of 25 June 2019

 27 June 2019


Regulated Information

Nyrstar provides an update relating to the disclosure of additional information following the Shareholders’ Meeting of 25 June 2019

27 June 2019 at 22:00 CEST

Nyrstar NV ("Nyrstar" or the “Company” and, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) today announces that it has today published on the Company website the written questions and answers from the shareholders’ meeting held on 25 June 2019 (the “Shareholders’ Meeting”) and the report of the independent directors on the Trade Finance Framework Agreement with Trafigura which was produced within the framework of article 524 of the Belgian Company Code. The Company notes that the presentation provided at the Shareholders’ Meeting was made available on the Company’s website at 11:00am CEST on Tuesday25 June 2019.

While the Company reserves the right to challenge all or part of the decision of the President of the Brussels Enterprise Court of 24 June 2019, it has voluntarily made available for inspection at the Shareholders’ Meeting the following documents:

  • the lock-up agreement dated 14 April 2019 between  Nyrstar and/or its subsidiaries and certain of its financial creditors (the “Lock-up Agreement”);
  • documents executed by Nyrstar and/or its subsidiaries that relate to the implementation of the restructuring provided for in the Lock-up Agreement, including the list of assets and liabilities that are transferred to NN2 NewCo Ltd;
  • documents that were placed at the disposal of the bondholders in respect of the implementation of the Lock-up Agreement (particularly but not only at the occasion of the vote on 21 May 2019); and
  • agreements between Nyrstar and/or its subsidiaries and Trafigura and/or its subsidiaries, that have a material impact on the financial flows between both groups.

The Company is working to make these documents available to all its shareholders, and will provide further updates in this respect in due course. The Company will also make a report from KPMG AG as independent expert advisor to the Board of Directors in respect of certain of the agreements with Trafigura available, as well as a series of “Frequently Asked Questions” with answers relating to the capital structure review and restructuring process and the verbal questions and answers from the Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Company notes the recent press coverage referring to Mr Hilmar Rode potentially leaving as Nyrstar’s Chief Executive Officer once the restructuring has been completed. This coverage was based on comments made by Nyrstar’s Chairman during the Shareholders’ Meeting where he explained in response to a shareholder’s question that he personally believed that “the Company may not have a CEO post-restructuring and that it is likely Mr Rode’s job at Nyrstar NV may fall away”. For the avoidance of any doubt, Mr Hilmar Rode remains the Chief Executive Officer of Nyrstar and there has not been any decision made to date to remove or replace him or any other members of Nyrstar’s senior executive management team. 

About Nyrstar

Nyrstar is a global multi-metals business, with a market leading position in zinc and lead, and growing positions in other base and precious metals, which are essential resources that are fuelling the rapid urbanisation and industrialisation of our changing world. Nyrstar has mining, smelting and other operations located in Europe, the Americas and Australia and employs approximately 4,100 people. Nyrstar is incorporated in Belgium and has its corporate office in Switzerland. Nyrstar is listed on Euronext Brussels under the symbol NYR. For further information please visit the Nyrstar website: www.nyrstar.com.

For further information

Anthony Simms        Head of Investor Relations                              T: +41 44 745 8157                        M: +41 79 722 2152                                       E: [email protected]
Franziska Morroni     Head of Communications                                T: +41 44 745 8295                        M: +41 79 719 2342                                       E: [email protected]


Nyrstar - 27 June 2019 - Additional information disclosure EN FINAL